A girl concentrates drawing on top of her tablet and suddenly scared by the door opened by her parents. This animation practices character's solid head turn movement and animating shock reaction. Referencing Luigi Lucarelli's original character design.
A little witch is passionate about experimenting with frogs and in her experiment lab I animated her interacting with various props to practice the character interacting with the surrounding environment. Referencing Luigi Lucarelli's little witch's original character design.
Character design and animation test with walk cycle loop, entire turnaround loop, and head turn reaction. Test the full capability of animating the character in different angel and experimenting with the design elements of the character.
A dance music rotoscope animation, with 2D water splash effects. Rotoscoped on top of the dance reference video. choreography and edited by Kazue Tng. Animated in Photoshop with a stylized brush.
Single character lip sync short scene. The scenario is set in a war room, while he is having a debate with another character sitting on the opposite side of the table. Characters reference David Boudreau's original character design.
Duo character lip sync short scene. I animated 2 characters watching a TV show at home and having a good time while listening to his friend bragging about his wonderful life again. Characters reference David Boudreau's original character design.